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Medical bills and lawsuits from them clog courts

Page history last edited by CK 6 months, 3 weeks ago

Medical debt lawsuits clog courts as hospitals sue for unpaid medical bills


It's a payday the hospital and Hackler have shared frequently over the past three decades, records show. The records indicate McAlester Regional Medical Center and an affiliated clinic have filed close to 5,000 debt collection cases since the early 1990s, most often represented by the father-daughter law firm of Hackler & Hackler.

Some of McAlester's 18,000 residents have been taken to court multiple times. A deputy at the county jail and her adult son were each sued recently, court records show. New mothers facing bills after giving birth said they compare stories of their legal run-ins with the medical center.

In recent years, major health systems in Virginia, North Carolina, and elsewhere have stopped suing patients following news reports about lawsuits. And several states, such as Maryland and New York, have restricted the legal actions hospitals can take against patients.

But with some 100 million people in the U.S. burdened by health care debt, medical collection cases still clog courtrooms across the country, researchers have found. In places like McAlester, a hospital's debt collection machine can hum away quietly for years, helped along by powerful people in town. An effort to limit hospital lawsuits failed in the Oklahoma Legislature in 2021.



Important things to note:

Medical bills should not be dreaded in an excellent healthcare system

Medical bills should not be dreaded in a great healthcare system

Medical bills should not be dreaded in a good healthcare system

Medical bills should not be dreaded in an adequate healthcare system

Medical bills should not be dreaded in an OK healthcare system

Medical bills should not be feared in an excellent healthcare system

Medical bills should not be feared in a great healthcare system

Medical bills should not be feared in a good healthcare system

Medical bills should not be feared in an adequate healthcare system

Medical bills should not be feared in an OK healthcare system

Medical bills should not be a source of anxiety in an excellent healthcare system

Medical bills should not be a source of anxiety in a great healthcare system

Medical bills should not be a source of anxiety in a good healthcare system

Medical bills should not be a source of anxiety in an adequate healthcare system

Medical bills should not be a source of anxiety in an OK healthcare system

Medical bills would not be dreaded in an excellent healthcare system
Medical bills would not be dreaded in a great healthcare system
Medical bills would not be dreaded in a good healthcare system
Medical bills would not be dreaded in an adequate healthcare system
Medical bills would not be dreaded in an OK healthcare system
Medical bills would not be feared in an excellent healthcare system
Medical bills would not be feared in a great healthcare system
Medical bills would not be feared in a good healthcare system
Medical bills would not be feared in an adequate healthcare system
Medical bills would not be feared in an OK healthcare system
Medical bills would not be a source of anxiety in an excellent healthcare system
Medical bills would not be a source of anxiety in a great healthcare system
Medical bills would not be a source of anxiety in a good healthcare system
Medical bills would not be a source of anxiety in an adequate healthcare system
Medical bills would not be a source of anxiety in an OK healthcare system

Medical bills are Kafkaesque

Medical bills are obscene

Medical bills are disgusting

Medical bills are a policy failure (Pay special attention to the quality of the town this is happening in)

Medical bills pay more to the people who had nothing to do with your care

Medical bills are not paying for research and development

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is a bad combination

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is fascism

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is slavery

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is a dystopia

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is a sign of a failed state

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is a bad idea

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is a horrible idea

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is a terrible idea

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is a bad thing

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is a horrible thing

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is a terrible thing

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is corporate welfare

Medical bills and forced pregnancy is welfare for the wealthy

Medical bills and forced pregnancy and bankruptcy why

Medical bills should be put on GoFundMe by hospitals instead of by patients

Medical bills are you paying more than you were provided

Medical bills are high but quality of healthcare is low


Medical Bills


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